Play Click here to start drawing the embroidery in slow motion. Rewind Click to position the needle at the beginning of the embroidery. Pause, Section Switches on or off the automatic pause after every section in the embroidery. Pause, Stitch Switches on or off the automatic pause after every stitch in the embroidery. Fast Click here to see the embroidery drawn at a fast speed. Medium Click here to see the embroidery drawn at a medium speed. Slow Click here to see the embroidery drawn slowly. Modify Click here to apply the given modifications to the effect. Phase The phase value indicates the number of lines to be sewn before repeating the fill pattern. A value of 3 means that the 1st, 4th, 7th (and so on), fill patterns will be the same. Random Random indicates the amount of randomness to be used in the stitches. A random value of 30% on a stitch length of 10mm will create stitches from 7mm to 10mm. A random value of 0% will generate uniform 10mm stitches. Length Enter here the length of the fill stitches. A length of 50% means that a stitch of 10mm will become 5mm. Values range from 25% to 400%. Height Enter here the height value. A heigth value of 200% will double your satin’s height. Values range from 20% to 400%. Density Enter here the density percentage value. For example a value of 50% means that a stitch with a density of 10mm will use a density of 20mm. Values range from 25% to 400%. Length Enter here the stitch length value. For example a value of 200% means that a stitch of 10mm will become 20mm. Values range from 25% to 400%. Fill Click here to modify the fill stitches in the selection. Satin Click here to modify the satin stitches in the selection. Running Click here to modify the running stitches in the selection. Selection Click here to apply the command to the selection only. All Click here to apply the command to the whole document. Rewind Click here to go back one stitch in the embroidery. Reverse Click here to return to a specified stitch point on the embroidery. Pull Up Click here to pull up the thread. Save or Punch Click here to save the embroidery with the chosen standard. Header Enter here the header for the paper tape. Use the popup menu to add standard information such as the name of the document, etc… Media Use this popup menu to choose the media you want to read the embroidery from or write it to. Maximum Length Enter here the maximum length of the stitches. Longer stitches will separate the embroidery into different sections. Use this menu to choose the serial port used by the sewing machine. Use this menu to choose the serial port used by the paper tape puncher. Use this popup menu to choose a measurement unit. Add-Point Adds points to paths or manual sections. Resize Drag to resize, show or hide the Finder panel in the window. Stop Click here to insert a Stop function at the end of the document. Trim Adds a Trim function to the end of the document. Edit Selection... Click here to edit the effect applied to the selected section(s). Apply New... Click here to apply a new effect to the selection. Pause Click here to pause the sewing process. Play Click here to send the embroidery to the sewing machine. lower side.